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    ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric: International humanitarian law was created to move beyond division, paving the way from polarization to peace

    ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric: International humanitarian law was created to move...

    Mr President,  The Security Council's success is measured by how you overcome global divisions; how you overcome the base definition of politics as one of...
    Azerbaijan: The inspiring journey of Sevda and her family rebuilding their lives

    Azerbaijan: The inspiring journey of Sevda and her family rebuilding their...

    Sevda and her family’s journey has been one of resilience and hope in the face of adversity, and a testament to the necessity of...
    Crise au Soudan : les pays se réunissent à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU pour un appel à l’action

    Crise au Soudan : les pays se réunissent à l’Assemblée générale...

    Cette évolution survient près de 18 mois après que les armées rivales ont commencé à s’affronter au Soudan, forçant plus de 10 millions de...
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