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    AccueilNewsBangladesh GC75 Media competition | ICRC

    Bangladesh GC75 Media competition | ICRC


    In contemporary armed conflicts, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) stands as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos and devastation of warfare. With its roots entrenched in centuries-old principles of humanity, IHL serves as a crucial framework aimed at mitigating the suffering of civilians, combatants, and other vulnerable populations caught in the crossfire. However, its significance and application often remain understated, unrecognized, or misunderstood. As such, understanding and upholding the principles of IHL remain essential for all stakeholders, including states, non-state actors, humanitarian organizations, and the public in general.

    The media, as a platform for education and capacity-building among policymakers, and the public in general, plays a crucial role in promoting awareness and understanding of International Humanitarian Law and its relevance in contemporary armed conflicts. By informing, educating, and engaging audiences, the media can contribute to the promotion of respect for humanitarian norms, ultimately striving towards a peaceful and humane world for generations to come.

    Launched as part of the International Committee of the Red Cross’s activities marking the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, this media competition of best report on International Humanitarian Law is an opportunity for journalists in Dhaka to amplify the discourse on the relevance and significance of IHL in contemporary armed conflicts. By fostering informed and insightful reporting, the competition aims to contribute to greater public awareness and understanding of humanitarian issues and promote adherence to the spirit of IHL and Geneva conventions.


    The primary objective of this media competition is to encourage journalists working for Dhaka-based media outlets to delve into the relevance and impact of IHL in contemporary armed conflicts. Through insightful articles, participants will deepen their understanding of the fundamental principles of IHL, its implementation, challenges, and its role in safeguarding human dignity amidst armed conflict situations.


    • The competition is open to journalists affiliated with Dhaka media outlets, including newspapers, online platforms, television channels, and radio stations.
    • Articles should focus on various aspects of IHL, including but not limited to its history, key principles (such as distinction, proportionality, and precaution), protection of civilians, treatment of prisoners of war, challenges faced by IHL in contemporary conflicts, and the role of humanitarian organizations.
    • Entries should explore real-life examples or case studies to illustrate the application of IHL principles in contemporary armed conflicts worldwide.
    • Participants are encouraged to highlight the challenges and gaps in the implementation of IHL and propose recommendations for improvement.


    • Participants are required to submit original articles written in Bangla or in English.
    • Articles should be well-researched, structured, and adhere to journalistic ethics and standards.
    • The word count should range between 650-850 words. For radio and television reports, they must be 1mn30 to 5 minutes maximum.
    • Submissions must include proper citations for referenced materials. Any form of plagiarism, including the use of uncredited sources or the reproduction of existing works without proper attribution, will result in disqualification from the competition.
    • Articles/reports should not be published before submission to the ICRC. Outstanding articles, selected by the jury members after the deliberation, may be published on ICRC website in agreement with the authors.

    Deliberation criteria:

    • Adherence to the theme and relevance to the context of armed conflicts.
    • Clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of arguments presented.
    • Depth of analysis and originality of insights.
    • Use of evidence, including references to authoritative sources and real-life examples.
    • Overall writing quality, including language proficiency and journalistic style.

    Selection of articles/reports

    The jury in charge of selecting the best articles/reports will be made up of 3 members including 1) an academician-researcher specialist in IHL, 2) a recognized senior media professional, and 3) the ICRC’s Legal Adviser. The jury’s deliberations are confidential. The members involved in the selection will not be aware of the identity of the candidates.

    Prizes and awards:

    • First prize: 50,000 BDT + IHL reference publications + promotional items
    • Second prize: 40,000 BDT + IHL reference publications + promotional items
    • Third prize: 30,000 BDT + IHL reference publications + promotional items

    Prizes and awards will be handed over during a flagship seminar on the 75th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, to be tentatively held in August.

    Submission guidelines:

    • The candidate must complete the registration form and the waiver attached below. The filled form along with the articles/reports must be submitted in electronic format by 20 July 2024, either
      1) by email to the following addresses:, or
      2) on a USB flash drive in an envelope to be sent or delivered to the following address:

    ICRC Delegation
    House 72, Road 18, Block J
    Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
    Tel: +88 09638004003, +88 09638004004

    • The subject line of the email or the envelope should read: “Submission: Media Competition on IHL – [Name of candidate].”
    • Along with the article, participants must provide their full name, contact information, and affiliation with a Dhaka-based media outlet by filling up the below “Registration form”.


    • Announcement of competition: 26 May 2024
    • Submission deadline: 20 July 2024 at 23:00
    • Evaluation period: 15 – 31 July 2024
    • Announcement of winners: 05 August 2024
    • Award ceremony (date to be confirmed): 12 August 2024

    Download the full Terms of Reference and Registration form below

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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